Thursday, 15 September 2011

The Subtle Bodies

The Subtle Bodies

Theosophical literature states that there are three bodies aside from the physical. They are presented here not as fact, but  as a sounding board or framework we can use to think more deeply about the subject of multidimensional bodies.

The Etheric Body or "The Body of Light"

~This body is the blueprint upon which the physical body is built; the densest of the subtle bodies.

~ This body is a field of energy that exists within the same space as the physical body, and interpenetrates it.

~ The field is made of many threads of energy, with light and force; the body of light if you will

~ As in a web, it connects us to all parts  of the universe; it connects us to  higher realms.

~ It vitalizes the physical body.

~ It has a threefold action:
 *It receives energy
 * It assimilates energy 
 * It transmits energy

~ The threads of energy crisscross through our etheric body, and energy centers we call our chakras occur where many lines cross. There are  seven main chakras, Five along the  the line of the spine and two in the head, plus hundreds of minor chakras.

The Mental Body

~ This body is an ovoid mist that encloses all other bodies. It has very fine colors.

~ Its very much affected by everything in our environment.

~ It interacts strongly with astral matter.

~ A person controls the fineness or the body by the quality of their thought; spiritual thoughts produce higher vibrations.

The Astral Body or "Emotional Body"

~ There are seven subplanes  of astral matter that, in different proportions and density, form a parallel world to the physical, which it interpenetrates; each type of physical matter attracts astral matter of the same density.

~ It is composed of very fine substance, constantly moving; with colors.

~ This body is where the feelings, emotions, and passions are expressed; it acts as a bridge between the physical brain and the "mind"

~ When a person dies, his or her consciousness with draws into the astral body and continues its journey on the astral plane. An alive person can "leave their body" temporarily and go "astral traveling"

~ The aura is the manifestation of the astral body, and extends from the surface of the physical body to varying degrees, from a few inches to feet, or yards, or farther. The aura can be seen as color, and felt.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Vibrational Medicine

 Vibrational medicine is a science that is part old and part new. It is a syntheses of the best of ancient healing and latest discoveries in science to  produce and entirely new approach.

Vibrational medicine is based upon modern scientific insights into the energetic nature of the atoms and molecules making up our bodies, combined with ancient mystical observations of the body’s unique life-energy systems that are critical but less well understood aspects of human functioning.  Vibrational medicine views the body as a complex,  integrated life-energy system for the creative expression of the human soul.

In the world of vibrational  medicine, illness is thought to be caused not only by germs, chemical toxins, and physical trauma but also by chronic dysfunctional emotional-energy patterns and unhealthy ways of relating ourselves and to other people. Rather than relying on drugs and scalpels to treat illness, the vibrational-medicine approach to healing employs the use of different forms of energy.  This will bring about healing changes in the body, mind, and spirit of the individual.