We wish to share our knowledge on personal spiritual development knowledge of who you really are and who you are not blending the physical with the none physical harmonizing mind, body and soul flowing with your inner guidance system listen for that quiet voice allowing room for more& more of what feels good truly enjoying life
Monday, 11 June 2012
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* Ancient Magical Recipes Online * Nature through Spells and Herbal Magic * Ancient and New Ideas: Gem Analysis: Moonstone, The Glory of the Moon: Moonstone: The Glory of the Moon Moonstone Sterling Silver Triple Moon Goddess Ring Just for $55 Moonstone was a stone that for m...
Friday, 1 June 2012
Astrology Forecast for June 2012

Astrology Forecast for June, 2012
By Tom Lescher on Friday, June 1, 2012 at 12:48am
This June will be seen as not only the mid-year turning point but a long-term turning point within many people’s world view, values, relationships, and life direction. It initiates the beginning of the much heralded changes foretold in so many of our world religions. Astrologically, this can be seen primarily in the seldom occurring transit of Venus over the face of the Sun, highlighted by it occurring within hours of the lunar eclipse and in square to the planet Mars in Virgo. In addition, the first exact square of Uranus to Pluto occurs later in the month shortly after Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini, having spent this previous year in Taurus. While not dwelling upon all the astrological aspects that are happening this month, it is worthy to note that this forecast is based upon these and other less prominent aspects.
We are living in a time of transition focused upon the awakening, empowering, and fulfillment of the heart chakra. With the help of many celestial, spiritual forces, some from beyond our solar system, the vibrational frequency, magnetic field, and general atmosphere of our planet is increasing in intensity as it rises. More sensitive individuals, animal species, tectonic plates, and even economies (which mirror human stress levels), have been feeling these changes approach like a large wave upon the ocean. One astrological reflection of this energy is that Venus has been the evening star of love through the night sky for the last 260 days. As of the end of May she has disappeared to join the Sun, in what the Mayans have called the underworld. As she passes over the face of the Sun her heart is inflamed and she emerges (June 13) as a warrior goddess, morning star for the next 260 days. This is one illustration of the shift from passive to active now occurring within the collective consciousness. Her next passage over the face of the Sun is in 2117.
This Venus cycle coupled with the radical emergence of personal empowerment symbolized by the Pluto/Uranus square which has been applying for a year and will continue for two more, signals the outward manifestation of latent forces that have been building up within the human psyche for years if not generations. We will begin to see the social fabric of many of our nations start to disintegrate, support systems falter, and financial crisis become more commonplace. Within our personal, family, and social relationships also, the “temperature” has been rising and the time to make changes is upon us this month.
The collective purpose and point of the buildup of all this energy and its inevitable release is a burst in conscious awareness leading to the liberation of suppressed, ignored, and denied human potential. This month of June will bring decision after decision, change after change, and the pressure to make changes may seem unbearable at times. This pressure is the result of the inherent dual nature of our soul’s desire to both separate from Source and return back again.
Our choices determine our character and decide our future destiny as both individuals and a collective. The fear of making the wrong choices relinquishes our power to external forces, be they partners, families, employers, churches, or governments. This inaction can also be seen as resisting the forces of change, growth, and evolution thus damning the river of life. This month will see the cracks in that damn begin to burst. The result may be experienced as catastrophic by those remaining in fear (the result of separation consciousness) or liberation from the shackles of limitation by those who wish to ride the river to the ocean of unity.
The most traumas will be experienced by those who wish to remain unchanged, who try to remain sitting on the fence and not choose one path of action over another. As hard as it may seem, this is nothing but an exercise in freedom, the ability to determine the future course of our lives within the face of “danger.” Perhaps the main underlying intention of these times is the release of polarized consciousness that says we can make a “right” or “wrong” choice! It is the limited and conditioned ego that will come up with thousands of excuses why we cannot have the life we inwardly “know” we are here to live. These ego-generated fears will also be unconsciously projected outward and manifest as governments, banks, relationships, and even our beloved planet herself, that are seemingly stopping us from a fulfilling, joyful, life experience.
This month and throughout the remainder of this year, those with the courage to act in the face of “imagined” (as in projected) challenges will have the profound experience watching the external world shift as a result of shifting their inner will/perception. They will begin to experience more of their “godself,” that creative genius of the human species that we were put here to discover, manifest, and utilize. We have been misled and deluded for so long that many have lost contact with the essential, magnificent, and enormous creative capacity of the human being. This month will afford each of us the opportunity to start working this creative genius like a muscle that has atrophied due to negligence.
The eclipse cycle, Venus/Sun transit, and finally Jupiter all occurring within the sign of Gemini this month cannot be overlooked. The sign of the twins has long stood for the need to integrate the opposites inherent in our dualized, earthly reality. As one set of twins (Castor and Clytemnestra) were mortal, earthly, or material, and the other (Pollux and Helen) immortal, celestial, or spiritual, every planet in Gemini has signified the pull between these two apparent opposing realities. Gemini is symbolic of the human being standing as the interface or connection between these two worlds, the seen and unseen, the spiritual and the physical, the light and the dark, fear and love. It is our potential destiny to unite these through the expansion of our consciousness to encompass both compassionately, to be pulled into one domain or the other through lack of will, or lastly, to be torn asunder into madness through naïve surrender to external control.
So this month, when it comes to making all these decisions it is ever so important to still the monkey mind, silence the past, automatic responses conditioned by external authorities who were not authorities at all, and in the stillness of our own soul find our truth. To not ask what the other wants or needs, to not be what we think the other wants or needs, to not hope to please, get approval from, or obtain security from the “outside,” will give us the freedom to be who we essentially are, express the creative truth of our being, and in that expression be the best gift of healing for all concerned that we can possibly be. For in truth, the way to unite the polarities is to recognize that they only exist as such in our own imagination. That there are no opposing forces in this universe, that all existence has one sole purpose and that is to support the emergence of new creative life forms of expression.
Gemini is the sign that calls variety the spice of life. This month, add some spice to yours! Be the change you want to see (especially in those who bug you). The challenge will be to be different, to do different, to think along different lines. When the going gets tough, do what you never would have done before, say what you never would have said before to people you never would have addressed before. Experiment with life like you never have before, go where you have not gone before, and let go of what you thought you needed the most. Through these exercises you will gain greater mastery in shaping the pottery of your-Self spinning on the wheel of life. Find the artist within yourself and you have unlocked the door to infinity! In-joy the process.
Powerful days of change this month are: 4-7, 11, 13, 19-20, 23-30 with a peak on the 24-25th
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