Thursday, 6 September 2012

The Galactic Portal : New Earth Energy Landscape

The Galactic Portal : New Earth Energy Landscape: Much has been foretold about 2012 and where the human race will move to but many are still not moving into the heart space and allowing the ...

Saturday, 1 September 2012

The frog and our blue moon.

Hello to all :)

 Well yesterday was our day to have our full Blue Moon. How lovely was that! So love it.
Just a quick note. I felt it was important I stayed home and practiced under the moon on my own last eve> I usually go to one of my girls places and we three practice together. However yesterday I just felt I should be on my own on such a magical eve. So that is just what I did. Sat in front of a lovely fire did my prayers and gave my offerings.
                             Bright blessings to all as always.

I am noticing more often then not, that my practice on my own is some of the strongest work I do.
Not that I am on my own :) but no physical human beings with me. Myself the moon, spirit and my animals.

I was home and noticed my dog at my garden, she was acting very strange. She was trying to get something from behind the plants. So I checked it out, and wow a frog, a leopard spotted frog. Just sitting behind our plants, size of my palm. Gorgeous, but really have never seen any in our yard as we do not live close to water. However it is possible someone close has a pound.

So I had to look it up, as i truly believe nature is always communicating with us.
Earlier in the day my Blue Heron flew above me as I drove my car for a while. Then I came home to see this lovely frog.
So I have shared the info found on the Blue Heron, so I shall now share what I found on the frog.
This world we live in is quiet interesting, if one listens the guidance is amazing.

Now the frog :) <3

A quick-list for animal symbolism of the frog includes:
  • Luck
  • Purity
  • Rebirth
  • Renewal
  • Fertility
  • Healing
  • Metamorphosis
  • Transitions
  • Dreaming
  • Opportunity
  • Intermediary
In Egypt we see the Frog-headed Heket who is an Egyptian goddess of birth(ing).
As a Celtic symbol meaning, the Frog was deemed lord over all the earth, and the Celts believed it represented curative or healing powers because of its connection with water andcleansing rains. More Western and European views focus on the Frog's three stages of development (egg, tadpole, fully formed amphibian) to symbolize resurrection and spiritual evolution. For these same reasons it is also a common Christian symbol for the holy trinity and resurrection. It is often seen in Christian art to express this symbolism.
In China the Frog is an emblem of Yin energy and thought of as good luck. Feng Shui practices recommend putting an image of a Frog in the east window of your home toencourage child birth and/or happy family life.
Frog energy is also considered to be a link between the living and the dead. An interesting ancient Asian custom was to place a jade frog in the mouth of the deceased to insure his/her spirit would pass safely into the spirit world. This custom was believed to allow the spirit of the deceased to speak more clearly to loved ones still living.
Frogs are also good luck symbols in Japan - especially for travelers. Images or charms were worn during long voyages to assure safety (particularly across water).
I have a friend, Albert who lives in Japan. He shared further Japanese wisdom animal symbolism of the frog. The Japanese word for frog is "kaeru." It is the same word meaning "return." So travelers carry a small frog amulet with the intent of returning safely home.
Further, small pebble-sized frog amulets are carried in their wallets so money will not be lost.You can meet my friend Albert via his studio here (Studio Sussler)
Ancient Hindus viewed the animal symbolism of frogs on a more cosmic levels, as they believe Frogs projected the world into orbit in space, and the frog was also thought to signify darkness.
Call upon the energy of the frog when:
  • You need to easily swim through some tough life-transitions
  • You need a little assurance while traveling
  • You are working to enhance your intuition, and strengthen your connection with the spirit world            found this info from this site.
  • Much love and light to all <3