Monday, 13 February 2012


Driving seems to be where a lot of communication occurs for me. Yesterday was very interesting, the volume of importance was noted as I switched off my music, so I could hear more clearly.

First thing i receive is that
"We play a wonderful and interesting game in this world,however most of us are playing our role in fear. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we played a loving role."

Then I felt how true, we do generally live in fear on this planet. We would absolutely do much better viewing the world in a loving manner. If we could get half of the whole world to see it this way, things would be a little gentler when the not so great stuff came up.

One thing I have learnt is that it is not what happens to us, its what we do with what has happened to us. Being in a more positive place in life allows us to see things much more clearly. Knowing all happens for a reason is a blessing, not always easy however it does help.

So the other message I received is praying for all man kind is huge, I have been doing so for some time now, and yesterday I assume was just clarification for me to continue to do just that.

Also all that we seek comes from within, so if we are looking for things from others, emotionally, we must ask ourselves are we giving that emotion air time for ourselves? Do we give it to others? Truly whole heartedly.

Some interesting thoughts, I really feel this year will bring forth lots of beauty for those of us who are being true...and trust we know who we are.

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