We wish to share our knowledge on personal spiritual development knowledge of who you really are and who you are not blending the physical with the none physical harmonizing mind, body and soul flowing with your inner guidance system listen for that quiet voice allowing room for more& more of what feels good truly enjoying life
Monday, 28 May 2012
* Ancient Magical Recipes Online * Nature through Spells and Herbal Magic * Ancient and New Ideas: Planet Vibes: Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June...
* Ancient Magical Recipes Online * Nature through Spells and Herbal Magic * Ancient and New Ideas: Planet Vibes: Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June...: Lunar Eclipse on a Medieval Alchemical Text I know, I know... there's been a lot still going on from the Solar eclipse but yes, unfortu...
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Dark Arts Defence, Hoodoo Recipe: How to make Wall of Protection oil and Wall of Protection incense
Dark Arts Defence : how to make Wall of Protection oil & incense and how to use them!
The Recipe of Wall of Protection:Prepare this either on Sunday (Day of the Helios / Sun) or on Tuesday (Day of Ares / Mars) during daytime, preferably while theMoon is waxing.
As promised in the “Dark Arts Defence: Simple Spiritual and Smart Ways of Protection” post, I am now going to give you a way to prepare a protective oil to use in your house, office, store etc and on yourself and anyone.
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photo by Leisha Camden |
There is a very simple, yet powerful mix of great protective power, while having some cleansing power as well. It is called Wall of Protection. The main reason I like this protective mix is that one can use it in combination with many – almost any – other protective means, herbs and resins to empower its protective powers against particular kinds of magical, psychic, spiritual and demonic attacks.
First of all we are going to make the solid mix, which can be used as protective incense and then we will make it to an oil.

You will need:
* Myrrh gum
* Frankincense gum
* Cooking salt
* Essential oil of cinnamon (or cinnamon leaf)
* Sweet Almond oil
* A jar to prepare the oil
* A bottle to store the oil
Take about 30gr of each gum and 30gr of salt and put them in a mortar. Then powderthem all together till you make them to a fine powder.
Now, while having the powder still in the mortar start putting the essential oil drop by drop and blending the mix until you have put 15 drops. If you are using cinnamon leaf add 30 drops instead of 15.
Now, the incense is ready. If you don’t want to make an oil out of it, roll down to see how you are going to give him its full power.
Now, to make the Wall of Protection oil, add to 50 ml of Sweet Almond oil 30 grams of the mix. Close the jar, and shake it well. Leave the jar in a warm, even hot place. If you can, during daytime, leave it under Sun light, but take it inside and away of the windows during night. Wait for seven days, shaking the jar at least three times a day.
On the eighth day, during daytime filter the oil to the bottle and dispose the solid mix. You’ll be having about 30 ml of Wall of Protection oil.
Now, you need to awake the powers of the oil and the incense. Draw in a big enough piece of paper the Magic Square of the Sun and put the bottle and the incense on it. Have the bottle opened. If you can face the Sun, and even have the square, the oil and the incense under direct Sun light.
Summon the Solar Deity (i.e. Surya, Ravi, Rama, Ra, Apollo, Sekhmet) or Divine Solar Spirit (i.e. Phoenix, Archangel Michael) of your choice to help you.
Then mentally or literally salute the Sun and say:
“Oh Great Sun I greet you. Wherever you see me greet me back and Now I ask you to do this for me, Awake, Empower and Bless these (or this if you are blessing only the incense or the oil) products of your Art, so they build your unconquerable Wall of Protection to whom uses them and to where they are used.”
Let the Sun work with your materials as long as you feel He is working. Then thank the Sun and the Gods/Spirits you have called and release them. Your products are ready.
How to use Wall of Protection incense:
* Burn it in your premises to protect them from evil forces.
* Burn it while you are performing a protective ritual for your self/house/office/store.
* Burn it in your bedroom before going to sleep to be protected while you are sleeping.
* Burn it and pass your protective crystals or talismans through its smoke to empower their protective powers.
How to use Wall of Protection oil:
* Put some on the knobs and locks of your doors and windows.
* Anoint the outside of the front and back door of your house.
* Anoint a candle to burn for protection or the candles you are using in protective rituals.
* Put some of the oil in an oil lamp (not those that are using paraffin oil) or a voodoo lamp of power for protection.
* Anoint protective talismans to empower them even more.
* Put some on your body. One the energy centres of your palms and soles, or on your energy centres. Be careful though as cinnamon is caustic. You may need to dilute the mix in some more oil, preferably either sweet almond oil or sunflower oil.
If you add some peppermint (the dried botanical to the incense or the essential oil to the oil) it will give you greater protection against vampiric entities. Add some rue to give you more protection against black magic (but remember then not to use this oil on your body if you are pregnant or want to be soon). Add some lavender to be more protectedagainst ghosts.
Have fun, and remember to salute the Sun!
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Friday, 25 May 2012
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Thursday, 17 May 2012
wanted to share this info The dragons Tail~Gemini Solar Eclips
wow great info
Gemini Solar Eclipse ~ The Dragons Tail!
Our first Solar Eclipse for 2012 is on May 20 at 0* Gemini. Solar Eclipses are vastly powerful New Moons, heralding major endings and beginnings. Eclipses are the most intense transit we can experience. This Gemini New Moon Eclipse occurs just 16 days before Venus eclipses the Sun. This too is a rare spectacular event.
“Transits of Venus across the disk of the Sun are among the rarest of planetary alignments. Indeed, only six such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882). The next two transits of Venus will occur on June 8, 2004 and June 05/06, 2012.” ~ NASA
Venus the Goddess of Love, beauty and abundance is leading the way into Fifth Dimension. Venus is the Twin Flame planet to Earth. Yes, Venus and Earth are Twins. The Venusians are ascended beings who live on Venus. Hidden from public view, the Venusians are playing a major role in our ascension process. In truth, many advanced beings from other star systems and worlds are here at this monumental time. Our year 2012 is a cosmic historic event.
Venus is requiring that women reclaim their power and men reclaim their feminine side. We have been out of balance for thousands of years, dominated by the male energy with war, greed, power and control. It is time the feminine energy brings harmony to our planet and people. Venus is retrograde until June 27 giving us the opportunity to tune in to our heart’s desire. Venus wants us to revisit the past for a greater understanding before we move ahead.
“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you will discover will be wonderful. What you will discover is yourself.” ~ Alan Alda
The last time we had a 0* Gemini Solar Eclipse was May 21, 1993. What were you doing in May of 1993? Something you began that year is being completed or needing to spiral to the next level. Solar Eclipses dim the light of the Sun. We could be delayed in our Gemini compulsion to share, talk, write and connect. Usually 0* implies new beginnings.
However, this Gemini Solar eclipse is conjunct the Dragons tail. There are two points on the Moon that are very important the North Node and the South Node. The North Node represents the direction in life we are to go in–the Dragons head. The South Node—Dragons tail is where we have come from in our past, including our past lives. Is there something from the past that must be recovered before we move forward?
This is the year of the Dragon. Dragons represent the fire and power of the Mind of God. The unconscious karmic pattern of the Gemini Dragon’s tail can offer us an unlimited supply of choices that are hard to make a decision.
Moreover, Neptune’s influence is still strong. Neptune starts to ease off in June when he moves retrograde June 4 at the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse. Neptune is in challenging aspect to this Gemini New Moon Eclipse. We can find that our brains are congested with fog, fantasy and unrealistic ideas. On the positive side, Neptune can inspire, uplift and encourage us to go for our highest ideals, dreams and wishes come true. Believe in the possibility of your dreams coming true it is the first step in manifestation—believe.
Venus is empowering us to be in our heart. When we connect our heart with our head, we make right choices. Venus is in harmonious aspect to Saturn at the time of the Gemini New Moon Eclipse. Our job is to determine what will work and what is pure fantasy. There is tremendous positive and dynamic energy at the New Moon Solar Eclipse. We can take our projects and relationships to the next level if we make the commitment and release what no longer serves our highest good.
Eclipses call us to action! Do not argue for your limitations that will create more of the same–more limitation. Instead, choose to be responsible, brave, courageous and strong. Faith is the belief in things unseen. We must keep the faith through our trials and tribulations. We are all completing our challenging 3D karma, karmic initiations and karmic relationships for our graduation in December 2012.
What can empower us in these transitional and evolutionary times is practicing the Law of Detachment. Attachment can cause suffering. Inordinate desire will cause suffering here is a tool to help you feel relief.
The Law of Detachment:
* When it begins it (life, work, relationships, situations, etc.) is always right.
* Who shows up is exactly who needs to be there.
* What happens is the only thing that could have happened.
* When it is over it is over.
Eclipses are powerful turning points in our lives where we are to make big decisions. Yet, this Solar Eclipse is conjunct the Dragons tail pulling us into the past. Additionally, Venus who is the depositor (all planets point to her) of this Eclipse is in reverse until June 27. Is there someone or something you must go back for and reclaim in order to move ahead?
Prime Creator is using this Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse to reset, reboot, readjust and recalibrate us to Higher Dimension. Creator’s Love/Light encodes information into every atom, cell and electron in our DNA. Old programs and pathways dissolve; new templates and archetypes emerge. Additionally, June is a turning point for 2012. Get ready for a quantum leap in consciousness.
“When you are in alignment with who-you-really-are, you cannot help but uplift those with whom you come into contact. Your value to those around you hinges upon only one thing: your personal alignment with Source. And the only thing you have to give to another is an example of that alignment—which they may observe, then desire, and then work to achieve—but you cannot give it to them. Everyone is responsible for the thoughts they think and the things that they choose as their objects of attention.” ~ Abraham
Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano
Gemini New Moon Mantras:
“I Am Truth.” “I Move Beyond all fear, karma and limitation” “I embrace the new, the uncharted with an open heart and mind.”
Astrological Events
4 June 2012 14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
Venus Retrograde May 12-June 27, 2012
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Thank You! You Are Awesome!
© Kelley Rosano All rights reserved. http://www.kelleyrosano.com/

“Transits of Venus across the disk of the Sun are among the rarest of planetary alignments. Indeed, only six such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882). The next two transits of Venus will occur on June 8, 2004 and June 05/06, 2012.” ~ NASA
Venus the Goddess of Love, beauty and abundance is leading the way into Fifth Dimension. Venus is the Twin Flame planet to Earth. Yes, Venus and Earth are Twins. The Venusians are ascended beings who live on Venus. Hidden from public view, the Venusians are playing a major role in our ascension process. In truth, many advanced beings from other star systems and worlds are here at this monumental time. Our year 2012 is a cosmic historic event.
Venus is requiring that women reclaim their power and men reclaim their feminine side. We have been out of balance for thousands of years, dominated by the male energy with war, greed, power and control. It is time the feminine energy brings harmony to our planet and people. Venus is retrograde until June 27 giving us the opportunity to tune in to our heart’s desire. Venus wants us to revisit the past for a greater understanding before we move ahead.
“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you will discover will be wonderful. What you will discover is yourself.” ~ Alan Alda
The last time we had a 0* Gemini Solar Eclipse was May 21, 1993. What were you doing in May of 1993? Something you began that year is being completed or needing to spiral to the next level. Solar Eclipses dim the light of the Sun. We could be delayed in our Gemini compulsion to share, talk, write and connect. Usually 0* implies new beginnings.
However, this Gemini Solar eclipse is conjunct the Dragons tail. There are two points on the Moon that are very important the North Node and the South Node. The North Node represents the direction in life we are to go in–the Dragons head. The South Node—Dragons tail is where we have come from in our past, including our past lives. Is there something from the past that must be recovered before we move forward?
This is the year of the Dragon. Dragons represent the fire and power of the Mind of God. The unconscious karmic pattern of the Gemini Dragon’s tail can offer us an unlimited supply of choices that are hard to make a decision.
Moreover, Neptune’s influence is still strong. Neptune starts to ease off in June when he moves retrograde June 4 at the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse. Neptune is in challenging aspect to this Gemini New Moon Eclipse. We can find that our brains are congested with fog, fantasy and unrealistic ideas. On the positive side, Neptune can inspire, uplift and encourage us to go for our highest ideals, dreams and wishes come true. Believe in the possibility of your dreams coming true it is the first step in manifestation—believe.
Venus is empowering us to be in our heart. When we connect our heart with our head, we make right choices. Venus is in harmonious aspect to Saturn at the time of the Gemini New Moon Eclipse. Our job is to determine what will work and what is pure fantasy. There is tremendous positive and dynamic energy at the New Moon Solar Eclipse. We can take our projects and relationships to the next level if we make the commitment and release what no longer serves our highest good.
Eclipses call us to action! Do not argue for your limitations that will create more of the same–more limitation. Instead, choose to be responsible, brave, courageous and strong. Faith is the belief in things unseen. We must keep the faith through our trials and tribulations. We are all completing our challenging 3D karma, karmic initiations and karmic relationships for our graduation in December 2012.
What can empower us in these transitional and evolutionary times is practicing the Law of Detachment. Attachment can cause suffering. Inordinate desire will cause suffering here is a tool to help you feel relief.
The Law of Detachment:
* When it begins it (life, work, relationships, situations, etc.) is always right.
* Who shows up is exactly who needs to be there.
* What happens is the only thing that could have happened.
* When it is over it is over.
Eclipses are powerful turning points in our lives where we are to make big decisions. Yet, this Solar Eclipse is conjunct the Dragons tail pulling us into the past. Additionally, Venus who is the depositor (all planets point to her) of this Eclipse is in reverse until June 27. Is there someone or something you must go back for and reclaim in order to move ahead?
Prime Creator is using this Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse to reset, reboot, readjust and recalibrate us to Higher Dimension. Creator’s Love/Light encodes information into every atom, cell and electron in our DNA. Old programs and pathways dissolve; new templates and archetypes emerge. Additionally, June is a turning point for 2012. Get ready for a quantum leap in consciousness.
“When you are in alignment with who-you-really-are, you cannot help but uplift those with whom you come into contact. Your value to those around you hinges upon only one thing: your personal alignment with Source. And the only thing you have to give to another is an example of that alignment—which they may observe, then desire, and then work to achieve—but you cannot give it to them. Everyone is responsible for the thoughts they think and the things that they choose as their objects of attention.” ~ Abraham
Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano
Gemini New Moon Mantras:
“I Am Truth.” “I Move Beyond all fear, karma and limitation” “I embrace the new, the uncharted with an open heart and mind.”
Astrological Events
4 June 2012 14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
Venus Retrograde May 12-June 27, 2012
Share the Love! Pass this message on!
Thank You! You Are Awesome!
© Kelley Rosano All rights reserved. http://www.kelleyrosano.com/
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
calling our angels

You do not have to be a clairvoyant or psychic to sense the presence of your Angels.
To create a connection with your Angels and feel them close, then there are a few things that can help you:
❀ Angels want us to call upon them - this is their 'job'
❀ They cannot help us without us asking them, because it is against Divine Law
❀ The more you call upon the Angels the more you will sense a connection to them
❀ Try to ask the Angels for help DAILY.
Signs that your Angels are close to you:
❀ The atmosphere in the room may change, you may feel a tingling - like the hairs on your arms sticking up or you may feel a rush of energy in your body. You may feel warmth or energy in your heart or spine.
❀ You may smell a sweet aroma
❀ You may have a distinct taste - like sweetness
❀ You may have feelings of love and an overwhelming sense of peace and calm
❀ You may sense a coloured or a bright dazzling light - even if your eyes are closed
❀ You may feel something brushing against you or enfolding you - these are Angel wings
❀ You may sense a warm breeze
❀ You may start to see an increase in synchronicities in your life
❀ You may find solutions to your problems in the most unexpected ways
Call upon your Angels and feel their wings enfold you
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