You do not have to be a clairvoyant or psychic to sense the presence of your Angels.
To create a connection with your Angels and feel them close, then there are a few things that can help you:
❀ Angels want us to call upon them - this is their 'job'
❀ They cannot help us without us asking them, because it is against Divine Law
❀ The more you call upon the Angels the more you will sense a connection to them
❀ Try to ask the Angels for help DAILY.
Signs that your Angels are close to you:
❀ The atmosphere in the room may change, you may feel a tingling - like the hairs on your arms sticking up or you may feel a rush of energy in your body. You may feel warmth or energy in your heart or spine.
❀ You may smell a sweet aroma
❀ You may have a distinct taste - like sweetness
❀ You may have feelings of love and an overwhelming sense of peace and calm
❀ You may sense a coloured or a bright dazzling light - even if your eyes are closed
❀ You may feel something brushing against you or enfolding you - these are Angel wings
❀ You may sense a warm breeze
❀ You may start to see an increase in synchronicities in your life
❀ You may find solutions to your problems in the most unexpected ways
Call upon your Angels and feel their wings enfold you
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