Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Hello my friends...I was wanting to share a little something.
So I have always had interesting time just before I enter the dream world. Many events have taken place, me being able to feel my bodies separate, to feeling myself vibrating, to seeing my ceiling disappear and a flow of white lights has been interesting to say the least.
Last eve was comical...I was just on my way into slumber....and I got hit with electric shock coming out of my finger, woke giggling, then once again on my way to sleep and another jolt and giggles.
Any time I go to sleep on my back I have the most interesting situations occur....and it is only while I lay on my back...I find it so amazing that we are so much more then just the physical self....I feel like I am interacting with a much more awareness in my life then I have ever before.  
I am truly enjoying as much as I can....and wish to learn more as all that I am aware of has simply has been wonderful and I have learnt to not underestimate this world in which we live.
It truly is magical my friends

Friday, 17 February 2012

Well for the past year I have been feeling as though I have endless amount of ever this is not in "reality" truth, am simply a working individual.I work and take care of my family as many other beings do.
This past week I have come to the is not that I have man made wealth in the sense of money.
It is that I am so pleased with my truth the wealth is living and being able to appreciate all that occurs. 
My wealth is greater then the man made dollar.
I work for the greater good and my wealth is my awakening.
My true being is finally free to see. For this I am truly blessed
much love and light 

Monday, 13 February 2012

Moroccan Arabic Chillout - ambient

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Moola Mantra by Deva Premal


Driving seems to be where a lot of communication occurs for me. Yesterday was very interesting, the volume of importance was noted as I switched off my music, so I could hear more clearly.

First thing i receive is that
"We play a wonderful and interesting game in this world,however most of us are playing our role in fear. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we played a loving role."

Then I felt how true, we do generally live in fear on this planet. We would absolutely do much better viewing the world in a loving manner. If we could get half of the whole world to see it this way, things would be a little gentler when the not so great stuff came up.

One thing I have learnt is that it is not what happens to us, its what we do with what has happened to us. Being in a more positive place in life allows us to see things much more clearly. Knowing all happens for a reason is a blessing, not always easy however it does help.

So the other message I received is praying for all man kind is huge, I have been doing so for some time now, and yesterday I assume was just clarification for me to continue to do just that.

Also all that we seek comes from within, so if we are looking for things from others, emotionally, we must ask ourselves are we giving that emotion air time for ourselves? Do we give it to others? Truly whole heartedly.

Some interesting thoughts, I really feel this year will bring forth lots of beauty for those of us who are being true...and trust we know who we are.

lucid dreaming

I have had an interesting beginning of this 2012 already.

First off, feeling extremely excited and happier then I have been in sometime. Those who new me personally are most likely thinking really happier? Meaning I am known to be pretty happy most of the time, life is a beautiful thing and I am happy to be aware of that.

So I have been in practice for a decade now, it has been and is a wonderful unfolding. So pleased with all I know as well as learning. I have really and truly honoured myself this year. Truth is one thing I am really working with. If I feel it is that I shall speak it...truth that is. Being mindful of others, as not all people work in this fashion...yet.

So I have had very interesting learnings alway. Usually finding out what I already know to be linked with spirituality in some way, buying crystals before I knew why, feelings very strong on topics and then being correct in my sightings, or dreams for that matter.

So my dreams bring me some most amazing information. I am blessed with a wonderful friend who is very good at interpreting my dreams, as I am good with hers. For what ever reason I have yet to be able to break my dreams apart and read them. Other people I have no issue.

So I have had dreams where I have been able to control situations, ask for items and they are their like "magic". As well as a shown we can control most of our situation down here as well.Much information is needed for that, or one heck of a faithful individual.

The interesting thing is that for the past year I have had experiences when something is extremely beautiful it seems like a dream. Also the other thing is that I will hear "this is a dream you remember".This makes me have a very strange sensation when I hear that, I would say scared excited's quite interesting.

So a few days ago I came across lucid dreaming, to my surprise I have been linking up the "bridge" without realizing that is what was going on. Life is always full of magic if you are willing to look even when uncertain. Trust is what helps me through all I encounter, faith and trust.

So once again on my journey I am already gearing up and taking that next step of growth with out realizing it. How I love this life.

My friend

I was driving to work the other afternoon and had a visitor join me in my vehicle. I am not used to having spirit enter while I am driving with a visitor, usually it is only my personal time I receive information for myself. However this was different.

I shut off the music,and listened.

I see a mans face I haven't seen before, but know immediately know who he is.
I say hello, he gives me info for my girlfriend, as it is her dad, he has just recently passed away. Coming through loud and clear with the most gentle smile, from ear to ear.

When he is finished my bb goes off, I say wow if that is amazing is her connection to her father. Sure enough it is her, I tell her all I have received, she thanks me as one of the siblings was having a difficult time with all of this. She in turn calls the individual and lets him know the info and he is at ease.

I was wondering why this had happened as I have made a deal, I will only chat if an individual is having issue with someone passing. As well as it usually only happens while I am in a session.

Happy I have the ability to trust my higher being, and love it when events unfold and I have no clue till the very end.

Life is full of beauty.

One of my dreams

It is always fun for me when my little boy wakes me early morning...I always know I will have a dream and get to remember it. As his usual time to wake is 3-4am..we sit have something to drink have some cuddle time and off we go to dream world.
Lately I have really been looking at people in my dreams, really looking at them close up.
They have all been people I know here(earth), and they all seemed to be doing really well, lots of people I have not spoken with in a while ect.

Well so my dream last eve was pretty interesting, I was meeting with two men and they where speaking to me about crystals. They had brought quit a few and I was explaining that I have been attracted to crystals before I even knew what it was all about.
My first peace I bought was from an indian store out north in Ontario. We camped many years at a place where I had many interesting experiences with white lights floating around the fire as well as see my first milky way and much more.
Back to my dream I was expressing great interest in this one stone it had a lovely red colouring a red that was almost to beautiful to be "real" I was explaining about my husband and myself and how our relationship is, we agree to not discuss that about our beliefs as we have different views. I was telling these men, and they were smiling at me without a word saying with their eyes, yes yes that is freedom, to be who ever one wishes to be.
I am so blessed to be able to let go of the ideas of right and wrong...even if I have said something to my husband and he says Starr come on...I let him know "you know what just forget I said that, it is none of my business"
I am so pleased to remember who I am and what my goal is here. The dream was exciting to know that the two men knew me and was upstream with crystal healing and how we speak and do thing without having to be verbal. Sooooo pleased with where I am and the future is brighter then ever.

Thoughts on 2012

Hello all...
I have felt a huge shift in the past year, making leaps and bounds to honour my true self. I have felt the great anxiety that people have been consumed is very overwhelming. Once I figured out I was tapping into the mass of society, I learned how to close off a little..I am one whom liked to walk around "open" as I am very much in love with the world in which we get to experience. However the vibration of fear is large lately more so then this has taught me to keep my energy to myself and learn to recognize when it is mine or others. With this being said also noticed many more spiritual beings coming forth, that is lovely. So I have learnt to allow what I want to experience for the most part in...that which I don't keep it arms length away...being aware but not owning it sort of speak.

I feel focus and intent is huge and we must learn to stay in love even with the fire on us. This is a challenge I am aware, but the work is completely worth it. We must work anyhow so why not focus on all you want....and simply glance at that we don't.
We must have balance in life unfortunately this is the "good" and "bad" pendulum swing. We learn from negativity we just need to remember to let it go after it has entered our lives. All in life takes time...but we must remember time to is man made. Our lifetime goes by very fast a lot faster then we think or feel.
So my friends this will be a year of wonder and hope love and light..allowing us to remember why and what we truly have come for and those who are willing will walk through the fire and get to the other side safely. We must know what we don't want to know what we do want.
So enjoy your life and focus on your wants..and try not to be distracted by that which society is trying to blind you with.
Much love and light